Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The New Year

Well, Happy New Years everyone!
My wish for you all is a year filled with
love, a home full of laughter, time
\ with all your favorite people and 
time just for you. And what
ever else your heart desires. Ha!

As for me, gosh I have never been
one to write down resolutions & try
to follow them to a T. 
There are a few things I am going
to try to do this year. They are
simple everyday things that I
sometimes forget to do. 

#1.   Be Helpful. Those
extra hands are most appreciated.
Makes most jobs and tasks 
easier and faster. 

#2. Try to eat better. Chocolate
is good but better in moderation.

#3. Visit my favorite people as
often as I can! We so enjoyed this
visit with Grandsons Owen (in
poppas arms) and Landon.

#4.  Go more places with
those favorite people! And
be sure to have pictures taken.
So many people do not want
their pictures taken. Let
your picture be taken. We
love you and want those memories
of you!!

#5. Have a good time! And let people
know that you are! It can really
make someones day to know
you had a good time being with them!

#6. Rest when you get a chance. Its good for
your soul to be rested and content.

#7.  Work hard for what I want.
Good things usually happen when
you put forth a good effort!!

#8. Smile more!! Its contagious!

#9. I am going to try and get
more exercise.  Its good for me,
and besides, rolling around on the
floor can be fun!

Those are the basic ones I want
to try and achieve. None of them
are really difficult to do. Just
a lot of common sense stuff that
can sometimes just be put on the
back burner.  Now that I am thinking
about it, there is another one that
I have already been trying to do
constantly, and that is telling the
people in my life that I love, that
I love them. Whenever I hang up the
phone from my sister, husband,  friends,
anyone close, I always hang up with an
"I Love You". 
Some days, those words can really make
a crummy day better. 


  1. Melissa, I come from Zakka Life, I enjoy reading your posts.

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