Sunday, September 12, 2010

I love....

I love city fairs
petting zoos
bouncy houses full of jumpin' toddlers
big slides with screamin for joy toddlers
toddlers with a newly won scooby doo
funnel cakes and lemonade
the roar of the engines at the tractor pull
Texas thunder and lightening
watching my favorite toddler dance along with scooby doo
hearing him sing the accompanying song
hearing my daughter putter in her kitchen while whipping up
her delicous goulash
hearing my daughter and her husband talk via skype in the
morning while he is in Iraq
waking up in the morning happy that we are still in Texas!

1 comment:

  1. I love your love list! Fun times. Texas is a wonderful state. I love visiting. I have a friend from college that lives in Dallas.
