Saturday, March 20, 2010

what for....or pity party for 1

I have decided that it is useless and of no value
for me to continue blogging. I gave it a try.
Really I did. It's just not for me. I will go
back to my personal journal.

I am going to continute my fav/loves in
there too. I have been doing that for the
longest time. I have also found out that
I do have a lot of repeats in them. Obviously
those things are really precious to me.
Make ME, just me, feel warm and good
inside. I have decided that those are private
too. I mean, who really gives a flying fig except
me if I love butter cookies or rainy days. Or
the clouds in the evening with the gold
outline or tucking a baby under my
chin and loving the smell? They are my
treasures. Mine and mine alone. They
are the things that make me me, fill my
heart and soul with satisfaction.

I am going to continute sewing. What I want
when I want it. How I want to do it. I will
browse all those wonderful tutorials for
the how to's that my fingers don't
know how to. And I thank you for them.

I will ALWAYS be thrilled with Priscillas
blog and pictures.

And I am glad I did give this a try, because
now I know its not for me and not wondering
if maybe I should have one day given it
a try.
Loves you all,
Melissa.....daughter, wife, sister, mother, grammie
or as my dad used to call me when I was little,
kookoo bird.

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